So a couple of weeks ago I stumbled upon a really cool photo contest site called i heart faces. Here is the rundown... Every week they have a different theme for the photo submissions. You then upload your photo somewhere (your blog, flickr, picasa, whatever you got..etc.) and then send them the permalink to that photo or post. They vote and select the top 10 winners. It sounded like fun, so I thought I'd give it a shot this week.
This week's theme is texture. The image that I created is a little different than my usual work. But when you get inspired, you just go with it. I feel like the textures really helped to convey the story behind the image. It was one from this last weekend in Arizona again... I will be blogging lots of pictures from then haha... I actually used a combination of 3 different textures to create this moody feel. Anyways..I encourage you to head on over and enter your texture shot! It's a wonderful way to learn and challenge yourself!

Very creative, unique picture, I love it!
I really like this! Great shot and textures!
Thank you!!
Awesome! I love the mood it creates, and I love the dandelion!!!
Beautiul and Unique!
Nice photo and great use of the rain texture. I love it!
Gorgeous image, I can feel the emotion.
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